Monday, June 2, 2008

To Noroway, to Noroway o'er the foam..

After a fairly humdrum trip (not exactly o’er the foam, more o’er the clouds, and also, far more successful than poor old Sir Patrick Spens..) I got to Norway. Rather late at night – 11.25pm to be exact. Caught the bus into main station at Stavanger with intention of then getting a taxi to where I am staying from there (it was suggested I do this as the price of a taxi direct from airport would have been about the equivalent to a small country's national debt). In theory fine, but at 12.30am on a Wednesday morn the main station here ain’t exactly humming and finding a taxi was easier said than done. And by now of course, I am carrying around about 40kg of stuff – things have accreted as I’ve gone along… So arms at this stage about two inches longer than normal...even with all the gym I had been doing! Finally did find a taxi and for a mere week's wages got to my friend’s house. So all OK, settled into a house on an island surrounded by trees, water etc – and some other houses, not all alone…very beautiful. The weather here is fantastic – genuinely hot and being light till about 11.30pm adds to the weirdness… I sort of expected Norway to be at the very least chilly and wet…

Into Stavanger and firstly work stuff at the Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound - nice offices, interesting joint digitisation venture and a big collection to worry aboput. Stavanger town has lots to see…busy harbour, quaint old town etc and did the archeological museum – sadly, a bit ordinary – and to my great delight, discovered this is the land of socks and sandals!! Yes, I’ve been fine all the time…just in the wrong country!! Also, the old "give way to the right"rule still prevails here on the roads - which is a bit disconcerting when not used to it.
Spent over half a day in the Petroleum museum – I know, sounds a bit anoraky and not that exciting but it is a great museum – fascinating. Very new and a bit of sales pitch of course for Norway’s oil and gas industries but was really well done…the best 3D film (with specs) I’ve ever seen - though the role of dinosaurs in the creation of oil was, I think, a little over-emphasised in this production!

Then spent the weekend (which was incredibly hot) climbing mountains, going up fjords, travelling through snow drifts etc etc…very full on outdoorsy thing…am still recovering! See the link for this place.. that’s me on the edge there…well not quite, but lying on my stomach peering over was brown trousery enough…from the photo you'll see my nervous grin...but awe inspiring (I think). Apparently 604 mtrs straight down…and yes, people do decide to end it all there – no one survives (without a pracahute!!). We stayed the night – two adults, three kids – in a ‘quaint’ hut (the right word trust me) in the mountains. The room was about 2mtrs x 2 mtrs (bunk beds) but was OK..I felt very Grizzly Adamsish….fortunately though, didn't have to hunt for dinner, someone thoughtfully provided a bbq which was pretty good. This is the land of beer only though - wine seems hard to find and not genreally available. I didn't know but Norway had prohibition from 1916 to the end of the twenties and stronger drinks like wine and spirits and very heavily controlled...all seems a bit unnnecessary!
The next day was a bit easier going – a ferry trip up the fjords – all sightseeing oohs and ahhs – then a long drive home through the top of the mountains and heaps of melting snow…magic.

Getting close to the end now…so will be one more post before I put this blog to bed and return to the land downunda…probably time to come home…